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    The matters to be delivered by User comply with the customary requirements and standards reasonably set at the time of delivery and for which these are intended when used normally in the Netherlands. The warranty mentioned in this article is of application to matters intended for use within the Netherlands. In case the matters are used outside the Netherlands, the Other Party has to verify whether its use is suitable to be utilised within that country and comply with the conditions set. The User is in that case allowed to set different conditions for the warranty and otherwise in relation to the matters to be delivered or work activities to be executed. All the articles on our website are, in principle, covered by a warranty of 6 months following the delivery, unless differentiations are resulting due to the nature of the matters delivered or if parties have agreed otherwise. If the warranty issued by the User relates to a matter produced by a third party, the warranty is limited to the warranty issued by the producer of the matter, unless indicated otherwise.

    Warranty for consumers

    A longer warranty period may apply for specific products to consumers in relation to the statutory warranty. Statutory warranty means that a product has to operate in a way the consumer may reasonably expect it to operate. We obviously take this into account.

    Exclusion of warranty

    Every form of warranty shall expire if a defect has arisen due to or as a result of incompetent or improper use of the matter or its use after the expiry date, incorrect storage or maintenance thereof by the Client and/or third parties, if, without written permission from EASY Noise Control, alterations were applied or an attempt was made to apply alterations, other matters were attached that should not have been attached or if these were processed or edited in a way other than the way prescribed. The Other Party is also not entitled to claim warranty if the defect has arisen due to or is resulting from circumstances beyond the control of the User such as weather conditions (including but not limited to extreme rainfall or temperatures), etc.

    Excluded from warranty are also defects as a result of:

    • normal wear
    • incompetent use
    • no or incorrect maintenance carried out; installation, assembly, alteration or repair by the client or by third parties.

    Making use of your warranty?

    Contact us by telephone or email if you would like to make use of the warranty.