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    Cotton insulation

    Cotton insulation is a sustainable and effective insulation solution. It offers excellent thermal and acoustic insulation properties and helps reduce textile waste. Fibers & Foams offers cotton insulation under the name Ecosorb. You can choose from sheets of various thicknesses that are delivered from stock.

    What is cotton insulation?

    Cotton insulation, also known as cotton fibre insulation, is a sustainable insulation material made from recycled cotton fibres, usually sourced from used denim fabric such as old jeans. These fibres are treated and compressed into insulation boards or rolls that can be used for thermal and acoustic insulation in buildings.

    Environmentally friendly insulation

    By using recycled cotton fibres, cotton insulation contributes to reducing textile waste and preserving natural resources. Reusing materials that would otherwise end up in landfills reduces the ecological footprint of the construction sector.

    Processing cotton insulation

    Cotton insulation is easy to handle and install. It can be cut to fit into various construction applications, such as walls, roofs, and floors, making it a versatile choice for insulation projects.

    Cotton insulation is safe to use and non-irritating to the skin, making it suitable for installation by both professionals and DIY enthusiasts. It contains no harmful chemicals and contributes to healthy indoor air quality.

    In general, cotton insulation is an attractive option for those looking for a sustainable and effective insulation material that delivers good performance while contributing to environmentally friendly construction practices.